• 3 years ago

HOUSTON 《AP), Jan 10: A four year manned space probe confirmed to no surprise, that Donald Trump is the largest a****** in the universe, both by mass and volume. The SpiceX probe, named Thruster7, penetrated various interstellar canals that are known to emit sulfurous clouds as big as our solar system. Mr. Trump was pleased that the distiction was not stolen by the throbbing Prostrate Rudy constellation and its sprawling methane cloud. SpiceX further reported that Trump has no influence anywhere except Earth, to which the rest of the universe rejoiced in a burst of synchronized j*** comets, visible as what we now know as the Juicy Way. The crew reported that the frictionless coating eased re-entry. Unimpressed, Mr. Trump stuck his head back into his wide open fairway and the Prune Boys followed. The study will be published in Astroproctonomy Weekly.

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