• 6 years ago

I have a fantasy that associates with privacy. I’m outside when someone beautiful young women, who is my friend or partner, is in confessional at church. I sit so nearly that I almost hear her confession. Actually, I hear sometimes one word or some words but not the whole sentence. Women has left her handbag to the bench where I sit and I take her headphones to my ears and put the music/radio on. Now I can’t hear anything about her confession but situation is exciting. I think often that I want hear her confession but, same time, I think that she is very angry if she can know that I have heard it. So I keep headphones on and my feeling is h****. When long confession has ended, women asks that why I used her headphones. I tell that confessional leaked and I wanted keep her privacy. She likes about it, have a great smile and feels grateful. But now I have a problem. Can I tell my s***** feelings during confession or not and how I do it?

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