• 1 month ago

Israel ‘evacuates’ Palestinian children. The Jews are abducting, kidnapping and disappearing Palestinian Children From Gaza Under Guise Of ‘evacuation’.

News Source:
ht tps://ww w.middleeastmonitor.co m/20240313-israel-suspected-of-abducting-disappearing-palestinian-children-from-gaza-under-guise-of-evacuation/

These young Palestinian girls and boys are being taken to military bases. There they are used to determine which new IDF recruits are sadistic enough to enjoy torturing children. The IDF (Israeli Defense Force) tests the young male and young female recruits to see who will enjoy enthusiastically torturing and killing in the name of Israel.

Just read the confession from about two days ago titled, “I watch videos of Israeli Defense Forces female soldiers torturing the c*** and balls of young boy prisoners from Palestine. My girlfriend is Jewish…”.
ht tps://simplyconfess.co m/a-random-feeling/589640

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