• 1 year ago

The people who come on here attacking another person’s Confession show themselves to be morons. The critic clown who castigated the girl for posting about her r*** reveals his own stupidity.

He writes some babble about “remote controlled victims so you can control” (are we talking about robots?). Next he writes, “No sperm can torture someone forever inside them”. If he had any intelligence he would realize that neither the girl nor her r***** said anything about sperm being used for torture.

The r***** suggested his sperm would be absorbed by her body and forever be a part of her. The girl believes that. That is an idea. A psychological concept. But the critic clown doesn’t get it and can’t distinguish between an idea of the mind and physical sperm.

The clown writes the Confession is “Sexualizied titillated d*** excitement” so apparently he got an erection while reading it. The clown tells us something about rhinos which may be a reference to Republicans. It’s hard to tell among all the other gibberish the clown wrote.

The critic clown also says “real victims would say its the last thing they ever want to remember”. So now he is an expert on real r*** victims. How can he speak for every woman (nowadays boys too) who have ever been raped? How does the critic clown know what is in the mind of every victim? (on the whole Earth).

Out of his own mouth the critic clown reveals himself to be an idiot.

Critic clown if you don’t like something then DO NOT read it. She told you in the very first sentence she was raped. Yet you read on and on and on. Paragraph after paragraph because you are an idiot! Consider all Confessions to come with a TRIGGER WARNING.

There are really very r*** victims posting here. Let people use the site for Confessions. That’s what it is for. Or do you really prefer the redundant Cut-n-Paste posts about Janet and Marcus or Downloading Joel Osteen?

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