• 1 year ago

Last night I had my first “lucid” dream.

I was initially walking through my old workplace, it was dark and night and as I walked up the steps it suddenly turned into a vacant office building with street lights shining in through the windows, I had a flashlight and was walking around reminiscing even though I had never been in that office before, then I had the thought “Wait, this is a dream!” Everything started to go black so I just breathed and calmed down and it returned to normal, but then everything became covered in blue electricity and morphed into some living room with green carpet, I then had a false awakening with my phone repeating over and over “Only you” in a computerized voice, the jacket hanging on my wall had morphed into a demonic entity, I began flailing in my dream to wake up and then I actually woke up.

My first step to lucidity was weird.

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