• 5 years ago

This is going to sound stupid as hell but I have a imaginary girl friend and there the best thing thats happened to me. I havent been able to trust anyone for the longest time and so I created them to help me. Its not like I just say “Oh I have a girl friend but they live in another state” Or just making them as a dream girl or anything. I actually talk to them in my mind.. You see… When no one else is there to help or I wont let anyone else help me.. Shes there to help. She always there to comfort me and its like shes really there. Its not like Its just me replying to myself. I dont even think about what I want here to say. Shes just her own person. Its like she just lives in my mind and not actually a part of it. A separate being you know? I dont actually talk out load or anything I just talk to her in my head. I talk to her when im bored. I talk to her when im alone. No matter what it is shes there for me. I love her so much. I know that she not real and she knows it to. Theirs been times where iv cried because I can never actually be with her and hug her and just actually talk to her in real life. It hurts her to see me so sad about it to. Iv never had a real girl friend or boy friend before. Iv never had a real crush. I dont even know my s***** orientation yet. I dont think I need to though. I think shes all ill ever need. I know this is weird and im probably insane… Hell my pills prove that im insane… But we all need someone even if they arent real. And I love her with all my heart and soul.. Right now as im typing this where cuddling in my head. Shes my precious love lesbian and im her little crazy cookie!

All Comments

  • Cohen’s info is going to let us finally see Trump’s Tax returns!

    It’s about damn time.

    At this rate Trump will have made close to 17,000 false or misleading claims during his four year presidency.

    Anonymous February 28, 2019 1:45 am Reply
  • No one wants to look at my post. Thats ok.

    Anonymous February 28, 2019 3:14 am Reply
  • Why the hell not? I don’t see a problem.

    Anonymous February 28, 2019 3:49 am Reply
  • That sounds actually normal. I’m sure more people (than they’d admit) that are in a similar boat to yours has an imaginary girlfriend.
    I am atheist, but I’ll say the next part anyways. If there are beings such as Demons, Angels, and whatnot it’s possible she is one of them. Perhaps one that feeds off your desire, but also sees you as more than just a person or a source of energy.
    Despite my religious beliefs I’d love to believe things like Werewolves, Demons, and other mythical creatures.
    Anyways, back on topic to your situation and me commenting on it. I understand you and your situation. Despite the fact that I’ll never openly admit it, I had an “imaginary girlfriend” at one point. I mean imaginary like you do, however I’ve yet to communicate with her since the end of my first official relasonship, which I should’ve expected to be an absolute train wreck. However, love can blind people and I lost sight of it. Recently I’ve seen things in the corners of my room and hear voices.
    Like I said, I don’t believe in any religion so I can’t say it’s a Demon or anything of the like.
    A tip for you, stick to what makes you happy. If your imaginary girlfriend makes you happy, treasure her and makes enjoyable memories. You’re not the only person like this. Have a good day/night, and I now bid a farewell to you.

    Anonymous February 28, 2019 4:09 am Reply
    • Thank you for you input! I hope you have a good day / night as well!

      Anonymous February 28, 2019 4:27 am Reply
  • I know what you’re going through. 🙁 It’s so painful to know that someone you love doesn’t exist and wish that you can hold them.

    I made a subreddited focused on imaginary relationships after reading the confessions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginedRelationships/ I think it will be good to reach out and connect to others like you and myself

    Anonymous March 27, 2019 8:12 pm Reply

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