• 1 year ago

It’s sickening. I can’t even believe how disgusting these posts are.

How the hell does a person end up so wromg in the head, backwards and like I said with seriously bad taste by any standards? Without question it’s not a matter of “to each their own” it’s a fact that you have seriously disgusting taste. Literally putrid.

There’s hot, and then on the other end of the spectrum, there’s your posts. They are so disgusting, it leaves me wondering is this piece of garbage for real? There is no f****** way any living human being on this planet finds the contents of that post, hot. No f****** way. There is no way that, who talks about people with seriously stupid names, this gay clown, wants do do that with some s*** skinned negroid!? No f****** way. It’s so strange, abnormal and disgusting, I’m convinced this mother fucker is either a Martian space alien not from the planet earth or he’s trolling. Possible he’s on meth. There is no f****** way.


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