When I was 14 I was

  • 10 years ago

When I was 14 I was s******* assaulted in high school by a guy I thought was nice. I was too ashamed to tell anyone and thought that they would think it was my fault. I told a friend who told my dad and instead of just being there for me, he got angry and blamed me. I wasn’t wearing anything s******* explicit, I was wearing jeans and a hoody. I wasn’t flirting with the guy. I was just talking about some classes we were taking. My dad later apologized for his initial outburst but still thought it was my fault. I didn’t do anything though and I knew it.

All Comments

  • Its okay gust be with god more and don’t trust no one even if they look nice of descent

    Anonymous March 18, 2014 2:15 am Reply
  • it is NOT your fault, no matter what anyone thinks or says. you know how everything happened and therefore you know how it actually was. Don’t get down on yourself for having this happen to you. I have survived the same thing, many times. You are not a victim, you are a living, breathing, human being, full of purpose, intelligence and destiny. No matter the evil one man did to you, there is always positive that can outshine the shit. You have survived the evil and selfishness of one guy, and now you can recognise and see so much more beauty and joy than others will even know is possible. Your family may not be the best support for you, so find those who love you and will lead you only in the right direction. Find those who have received healing and peace and faith in their own lives so you can learn from them. You are stronger than many other people will ever have to be. Smile. You have a beautiful life to live yet. <3 much love. stay strong and keep fighting to be correctly heard!!!

    Anonymous March 18, 2014 7:02 am Reply

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