• 2 years ago

Ya know? I’m just trying to figure out the motive for get it too look like you are me posting a post that personally… I would not post. Not in my good judgement.

What is it? Is it that someone, a woman that you want does not, I repeat, does not want anything to do with you BUT at the same time, even if we are not together, you can not touch me or “capture her” at the same capacity that I could?

You should do something for yourself. It’s not hard to be LIKE me. Not be me but be LIKE me. It might take some work. You must guy love hip hop, which I hate, and you might goddess like a clown, buzzed head, a goofy looking baseball cap with the brim twisted in some way, in a wife beater, and some ridiculous pants, you look like a clown! BUT that’s what you feel is right. That’s cool. That’s hot. Sure it is. But PERSONALLY, I wouldn’t do it. You can’t be me either. Not even if you tried as hard as you could because you have do
Different I influences. You look up to people who I would look at and think “that guy is a clown” and I wouldn’t do it. I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. Maybe your parents are not very good and you were raised in a certain way that will not help you out. You didn’t have a cool aunt who played in bands and took you too practicece and introduced you to good music, or a cool uncle who has cool cars and always had beautiful girlfriends and listened to cool music and had cool music toys. Influence. Taste. It’s not hard to be like me, but it does take a lifetime and goes back a loooooooong time.

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