• 2 years ago

My only concern at this point is should I buy myself the brand new Technic Material Handler OR the brand new Technic Airbus Rescue Helicopter?

Both look really amazing. The Helicopter is huge with included electronic components. Plenty of cool features. Retractable landing gear, winch, muti speed tilting rotors, all electric mechanical. None of its features are manual crank, but there’s nothing really practical about the model. It’s a stationary model. It’s not like it can fly or anything. I suppose it could be used as a prop to make stop motion movies? It’s just show but probably an enjoyable build of a nice big accurate model with awesome mechanical features and visible gears. 2000 pieces. Under $300.

The Material Handler also looks pretty awesome is only 850 pieces, not much less expensive than the helicopter but has pneumatic functions which is a feature I am interested in. 2 large pneumatic cylinders into the arm and a smaller cylinder in the orange peel grapple, all powered by a push air pump with 3 switches. It’s manual steerable with a manual crank elevating cab, 4 manual crank outriggers. It looks like a lot of fun to play with. Very cool.

I’m leaning towards the Material Handler tbh. It’s not as cool of a model as the helicopter, then again maybe it is (?) It looks much more fun to play with.

This is literally the only thing I care about right now. I am not interested in anything else. If I had to choose, I would rather do this than eat a**, by a long shot.

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