• 2 years ago

Ever since my neighbor drunkingly tried to break into my house; I’ve had twisted fantasies of murdering him. Every time I see his f****** pathetic face when I pull into my driveway I want to crank the gas and run him the f*** down. I filed a police report and because I didn’t have a camera there was nothing they could do. I know it was him but I can’t prove it. So I want to take justice into my own hands and squeeze the life out of his body. These fantasies only give me a short bit of relief, but what I wouldn’t do to know this waste of space was snuffed off this planet. I’ll pray to whatever dark God I need to pray to in order to make this happen- because I can’t go to prison. But that’s the part that scares me- it’s the fear of going to prison, not the fear of taking someone’s life. I’m numb to that idea, if anything a bit curious. It keeps me awake some nights knowing I have the rage within to snap and kill someone

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