• 2 years ago

I collect power women friends the way some women collect expensive shoes…and have dated a lot of alleged “straight women” in my lifetime. Well everyone is straight until you give them too much wine! 😉 Heeey, nothing like a drunk/bi lesbian that reverts back to hetero like a vampire at sunrise. Had many of those: corporate executives, lawyers, jewelers, celebrities, teachers and a k**** librarian. My fav was a beautiful blonde with these ice blue eyes who was the former choir director of a Church, one of the largest in the State. She had an amazing sense of style, and her hair was like silk. She was vanilla, also been with coffee and the pretty swirls of mixed races are my favorite. Straight women just want you for ‘right now’ to fill their loneliness, the void, lack of affection, to get back at their boyfriend or they see you as a play toy and never for anything long term. Some have boyfriends or husbands and lie about being single and then their are the ones you have to learn to run from, their is way too much drama involved with the s****** and polyamorous crowd. Run girl, set a fire under your a** and run to save your soul… God, I hate swingers, f- leeches. I also think pedophiles should be fed to alligators while alive. Sigh, I digress.

You have never been engaged, I have been twice. When I met you, my first thought was, “oh, I would marry you.”..lol…but would never tell you. I never feel that way about anyone but merging the fantasy and the reality is not always an easy transition. It’s interesting how some of your friends have been married forever and others in your circle just to their career, two of your friends are whores that go through men like water. The challenge is people that have been single too long are really set in their stubborn ways, their quirks can be a lot to manage due to being used to doing things a certain way and a ‘my way or the high way mentaility.’ And I am sure that Jewish mouth of yours can be a double edge sword when you are having a bad day. Correct me if I am wrong but most women successful in their career, are submissive in bed and want to be dominated, visa versa. Call me old fashioned, I am a serial monogamist and would hope under your polished professional self, you daydream about us kissing and secretly want me like the Cookie Monster wants cookies or a fat kid wants cake… 😉

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