• 3 years ago

My personal trainer gave me a bottle of pills to try. What kind of pills? Lol they’re hand encapsulated and not.. fit for human consumption. Right on the bottle it says – do not ingest and if you do, contact poison control,, because it’s literal poison. But I trust him and figure what could it hurt right? I mean I guess I COULD die but.. he wouldn’t do that lol So it’s like a steroid but NOT. It’s supposed to make you really hot(in temp lol) and it’ll burn away fat. I was kinda unsure because I’m barely like 100 lbs and don’t wanna lose my b**** but, I’m so curious to know what these babies can do. I figured sure why not, whatever happens happens! Cheers to trying new strange things! *proceeds to take a vibrant pill that burns your skin and throat upon touch* Wtf XD

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