• 3 years ago

The vaccine is supposed to protect you from the virus. The vaccine does nothing to protect you, but it does sicken, injure and kill many. So why get the vaccine? The virus has a 99.7% recovery rate anyway.

GILAD ATZMON writes: “85% of new COVID Delta infections in Israel are fully vaccinated.   It is the vaccinated who happen to develop symptoms by a ratio of 5:1. It is the vaccinated who are more likely to be hospitalized and develop critical illness. …the Vaccine has no [positive] impact whatsoever…”.

The vaccine weakens the immune system to make you more likely to become ill, which becomes critical since your immune system is already damaged. ATZMON’S article, like many articles, shows the vaccine is of no help but does cause major harm. In the coming 24-48 months we will see how many vaccinated people die an early death. Of course the MSM and the NWO will say that the deaths can not be related to the vaccine. But that’s the plan.

Link: ht tps://gilad.online/writings/2021/7/14/a-catastrophe-unveils-itselfnbsp

Vaxed Israeli Teen Infects 83 Peers With COVID After Catching The Virus From Vaxed Relative.
Link: ht tps://nationalfile.c om/vaccinated-israeli-teen-infects-83-peers-with-covid-after-catching-the-virus-from-vaccinated-relative/

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