• 3 years ago

Hey it’s me Bonnie again. happy Tuesday I was soo freaking stressed for this final exam and then some genius out there hacked the site for all the school districts in my state kinda happy ngl. But also b**** I literary almost s*** my pants for that -_- I hate it I was all mentally prepared to get that dumb of a test done smh. Today my bf whom I talked about if u keep up with me met my sister on a call so that’s great…I s*** my pants I mean like I act like 2 diff ppl when around them I’m all loud and goofy when I’m with my sister alone we have that type of relationship, but when it comes to my bf I’m all h**** low tonned nervous, and u know just love him with all my heart not saying ion love my sis or anything. The next thing to do is let my bf meet my bsf that is gonna be interesting considering the fact that my bsf is white ( white, privileged, rich, blondie, lesbian, and last born = brat + I love her doe ) so that’s gonna be something. I use this place kinda like a diary tbh …..

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