• 3 years ago

Kerpal and Sachin Tendulkar spitroasted me at Delano while Patrick Kluivert and Rick Vandenhurk glazed me and paddled me with a cricket bat, this was for the premiere of Casino Royale on Miami Beach. I was worried about getting AIDS from Kerpal’s fragrant and wooly p****, a thicket reminiscent of Rasputin’s beard. His musk was off, an unsavory scent, and i wondered if the then kiss of death poxed his death. nonetheless, he rode my hershey highway to infinity and beyond, seeding me numerous times over, the curry really churned in me that night. After we went to Lucky Chengs where i was the s*** of honor. Never have i ever been as slutted and nutted as that night.

Clark Hallisey

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