• 4 years ago

Why are the Proud Boys considered racist? They have members of all races and one of their leaders has brown skin. I’m genuinely confused, but I will not dare ask this question without anonymity, because as a Centrist I would get skewered by both sides. Not really into the shame culture that’s so popular, now. Anyway..Are they just a white supremacist organization and other colors support white supremacism? I have heard they’re western supremacists. West does not = white. Americans of all races are western. Frankly, f*** the Proud Boys still. F*** all supremacists. The West is not superior to other countries. All supremacists are garbage, because it takes all people to make this world. This world would be nothing without the artistic, academic and scientific contributions from every continent. So, f*** the Proud Boys, in general, but I’m still wondering why they’re considered racist. I mean, people should be against things for the right reasons. If they’re not racist, they shouldn’t be hated as racists. They should be hated as western supremacists. But maybe I’m missing something. It’s not like I study these people. I have a vague idea of who they are, I just noticed that they aren’t as white as the klan and neo nazis. Actually, there are neo nazis of all colors, which I find really f****** weird, but there you go. Humans are f****** dumb.

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