• 4 years ago

I was a very curious child and I loved technology, I grew up searching and fixing phones. My dad would often tell me to fix something on his phone and I grew up helping him with everything social media related, so I know all his passwords and accounts. Because of that when I was a child I found out that he is cheating on my mum, it was heart breaking for a child, I would fall asleep crying and praying to God that he makes him stop. As time passed I would see more and more women texting him, I even found out that one of them lived in our apartment that we have in another city that my dad didn’t take us to visit for 8 years, always finding excuses. Me and my sisters were too young and my mother really doesn’t know anything except her house and her family. She married very young and always somehow did whatever my father wanted. He would go in other countries to work, not come home for months trying to provide for us, and living with other women. When I started college I started living in our apartment in the other city and the neighbors there would say to me say Hi to your mother from us, we haven’t seen her for months, saying that for the women of my father that was living there until I came. I can’t even explain how much that hurt. I feel sorry for every child that had to grow up knowing all of that and hiding it inside, or having any family problems. I was afraid to ever tell anything to anyone. I would cover my ears every night just to stop hearing the voices of my mum and dad fighting and yelling. Now somehow everything seemed alright, until today when I saw that my older sister who is married to a really good guy who provides her everything, loves her, and really works so hard for his family, I thought her marriage is good, I saw that she texts with so many guys, even has fake profiles to text other guys, it broke me again, I just thought of my little niece and how all that cheating and hiding and lying affects the children. My soul hurts at this moment.

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