• 4 years ago

I’ve been a nice and caring and helpful guy all of my adult life. I had some behavioral issues when I was a teenager but I matured and moved on. In my almost 40 years of living, I have dealt with so much emotional abuse and putting down from friends, family, strangers, employers, co-workers, dates, pretty much people from all over in my life. I’ve always turned the other cheek or just let it go and tried to be empathetic and compassionate. Here I am now today with NO friends, a companion, or even semi-reasonable respect in my place of employment. Those abusive people are now living happier than I am with all the friends and love that I’m not sure I will ever get in my life. What did I do wrong? Did I make a mistake in my life by not being one of those people too and finding weaker people to insult, exploit, humiliate, and condescend? I would never sleep at night knowing that someone walked away from me feeling the way that others have made me feel but I also feel like I’ve been too caring.

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