• 4 years ago

You have a very ugly points of view about life too. You atrike me a person who would truely believe in s*** like astrology, and trrot cards or readings or witchcraft, like you would actually believe you’re a witch, which is acually nonsense that can’t be proven in a crontolled way with science or physics or logic, and that way of thinking is dangerous to other people. You would believe it and apply it to your life accordingly, which could effect other people, and thats just crazy. That would be you tbough.

But then you have another ugly feminist side too and it really is ugly. Especially if its hostile towards me. Right? You started it? Yep, you did.

What else… with all that, I could name other weirder things about you that to me are pretty g******* ugly (not religious, just a figure of speach, dramatic effect)

You’re a very abnormal irregular b**** and you know to this day I still remember the look on your stupid face all those years ago when we spoke for the only time ever? I was pretty nice then, I might be tempted to strangle you if it were today.

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