• 4 years ago

My landlord is a dirty old f*** who watches pedophilia all day, shoots methadone in his arms and deserves to die for the young girls he has raped in foreign countries. I’m considering drugging him with a combination of deliriants like datura and salvia mixed in his hot sauce or ice cream, maybe mixed with a little Molly and PCP I have been saving to bring on the 72 hour inescapable horror trip through his personal Hell he deserves. I’ll pour gasoline into his b******* and light his intestines on motherfucking fire. Once he finally loses consciousness I would tie him upside down in the bathroom shower by his d*** so I can skin him alive and drain his blood before gleefully overdosing him on his own opioids and use Narcan to bring his pastie white a** back to life over and over so he suffers. Heroin shooting child f****** waste of f****** air b******. I would then chop his body up with a chainsaw while he still has a little life left in him and then roast him piece by piece in the oven so I can feed him to his poor mistreated cat.
I crack his skull and flush his brain down the toilet and bury what is left of him in the woods.
F*** you Mark. You’re lucky I have not beat you in the head with a machete you sack of s***

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