• 4 years ago

my dad came to pick me up on very beaten up and bad looking car today. i attend private school so it’s uncommon to see cars like that. there were only a few kids and two teachers left since we were waiting for our cars to arrive. the teachers do checkout to mark off that we left the campus safely. the pick up area was completely empty so everyone focused upon my car. i felt so embarrassed. i know it’s a petty thing but the environment and students who go to the school along with the teachers are so judgy. i felt humiliated like i was less than everyone less. one of the teachers commented and said this wasn’t the usual car i get picked up since my dad usually has a Mercedes to pick me up in. i said that “my dad doesn’t like his Mercedes anymore so now it just sits in the garage”. it was a lame reason but i honestly didn’t know why he drove this beaten up car he said it had memories and refused to sell it. one of the two teachers who didn’t ask about the car raised one eyebrow at me. THAT HURT me. that judgemental eyebrow from that teacher hurt me so much. like it broke me bc i care so damn much about what people think. she either thought i was poor and less than people, covering up something, or just stupid at coming up with stuff. i hate her now so much. i got mad since that never would have happened if my dad didn’t take his s***** car so i told him his car was a nasty p************. i don’t feel bad he deserves it. so now my dad hates me, i’m humiliated, and that teacher is a b****. that was long rant haha

All Comments

  • Your dad knows the value of things. One day you’ll know. Those other people at your school? They are not the people you want to be. Observe them. Learn about them. Pity them.

    Anonymous February 21, 2020 1:44 am Reply
  • I know what you mean but lashing out on your father isn’t the way to go. It may have been passed from a close friend or family member that has passed away so choosing words carefully is advised. Forget the teachers and students because expense and cost isn’t everything.

    You’ll learn brands and price tags are mere uses to boast. What matters is the sentimental value of things, whether it’s broken and new- that’s whats important.

    Don’t let a judgemental group of children or teachers put you off, trust me I know what Private school is like and the approval of others can be crushing, but don’t give in to their oppinions x

    Anonymous February 21, 2020 3:27 am Reply
  • Your dad sucks..my step dad a cop..drive white SUV like MUX..i can drink all day every day without being apprehended..my dad a cop! Hahahaha..now im drunk.sorry..
    your teacher?tell me her name,,i’ll fuck her hard in the school’s hallway..let’s see if she’ll be mean to you after…
    Message me kid in telegram +639952052694..Godspeed!

    Hector Estrada Fabros III
    Jake of all trades

    Anonymous February 21, 2020 7:25 am Reply

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