• 4 years ago

everyone in my family is smart and successful and all and then theres me so f****** stupid
my parents call me stupid one second and the next second they are like i have potential
i take the mayjune igcse exam and i had my preboards and i got c’s and b’s in everything
and all my teachers say im stupid

All Comments

  • Your parents suck, they should give you confidence at all times

    Anonymous February 13, 2020 4:25 pm Reply
    • Agreed.

      Anonymous February 13, 2020 4:35 pm Reply
  • I hated my parents and the ways that they treated me and I practiced what later became understood as “passive resistanc”e and I was the dumbest kid in class and I did everything I could to disrupt my parents expectations of me, because they never showed me the love or care that other kids got from their parents.
    I was not dumb. I just refused to comply with their expectations, when their love was never there in the first place.
    They used to tell me I was a mistake, they never wanted me and when I eventually got a job and moved out, my parents told me I owed them for all of the money they had spent on me for clothing, food and education and they wanted me to repay them for it – like I had the sex which they enjoyed, which created me in the first place – and I thought “fuck you”
    However, they engineered circumstances where they were able to extort me for several years and all of the money they gouged out of me, presumably to recover that debt and it was only after my father died, that I was able to pressure my mother into paying back that money, as an “inheritance”, many years later, that provided me with the lifestyle I enjoy now.
    I forgave my parents their hate, but I love neither and still feel the same revulsion that they built into me, from how they treated me while I was their child and unable to do anything about it – my mother died 8 years ago, my father 15 or so years ago, both from Cancer, which so far I have not got – I test for Cancer yearly, just in case.

    Anonymous February 13, 2020 6:48 pm Reply

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