• 4 years ago

When most people say their prime they mean when they were fit and attractive, when I say it it means when I was a god at Call of duty. From 2009-2012 I was at my peak in CoD. While I never attempted any sort of pro career, I was a pub star and people knew to fear me. My tag was known by many. A lot of times people would back out if they saw me in a lobby. During that span there were not many that you would have wanted over me as last man standing in Search and Destroy. I had a reputation for doing the impossible. Pulling 1v6 clutches left and right. There was a span of two games where I achieved over 20 kills. While that might not sound like a lot for cod, but for Search and destroy it is. On avg the most kills people kill is like 8. Because it’s a 6v6 first to four wins. But in those particular matches I was lucky enough to get into a lobby where there was a 6 man vs ransoms. And what that means is there were six people that knew each other that were partied up meaning they’d be on the same team the whole time vs random people. Unfortunately for this six man, I joined their lobby. They would easily dispatch my teammates leaving me as the last man standing each round. And during intermission they’d talk smack. Especially after the first round in which I managed a 1v6. “You won’t do that again” “you’re just lucky” etc etc etc. to be fair both matches went the distance meaning 3-3 needing overtime to settle the score. But ultimately I proved too much for this squad of friends. I single handily won two matches in a row. And it made them rage. And they left. While I would never pull of something so amazing as that again, I still have games where I dominated. Where I was the seconding factor. Because kills are not the only way to measure a cod players effectiveness. I was an all around player. I made callouts, I would sacrifice myself to save teammates. IE id use myself as bait. I was the embodiment of elite when it came to playing that game. But life happens and I fell off the wagon. And now, I’m mediocre at best. I still have flashes of brilliance, because I’m savvy and scrappy, but I’m not on the same level I used to be and it makes me sad.

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