• 5 years ago

I feel useless, like the whole world would be better without me. I’m not good at anything, I feel like If I was gone nobody would miss me. I have people who whisper about me and talk behind my back everyday so as you can tell, I’m not exactly the most appreciated person in the world. I feel like everyone waits for me to screw up something so they can use it and start whispering about me. If I do something wrong I hear whispers, I always think it’s about me. When I just have to do simple things like a presentation in front of 20 people, I want to break down. I want to curl into a ball and beg for help, I can’t breathe. I think that’s all I’ll say, thanks for reading this. I appreciate it even if you just ignore it.

All Comments

  • I’m really sorry, I’ve been there. Still am sometimes. Hold on ok?

    Anonymous January 21, 2019 6:52 pm Reply
    • I will, thank you. I hope you live well too.

      Anonymous January 21, 2019 11:45 pm Reply
  • I feel useless all the time all my life I have been like this I got used to it, thing is you shouldn’t feel useful for someone else but for yourself live your life and enjoy stuff you can.
    People who talk shit behind your back are weak and they can’t confront you for who you are be who you are be proud of it being arrogant can be bad but also good.

    I am a paranoid person and trust me it pretty hard to live with paranoia all the time especially when your friends think your weird but hey just sit back and relax learn to not care and chill out (trust me it will work at some point)

    I think many people also encounter the problem of just feeling helpless and weak but man I remember a year ago when I was so depressed the world was falling on me and overnight for hours I just imagined my life being so bad and horrible everyone talking about me on how I looked and what I did the struggles I had.

    I started going to the gym a bit and it made me happier having a healthy body and mind is just so rewarding and feels incredibly good sure its a bit hard to get started but motivate yourself to b who you want to be, screw everyone who doubts you, screw everyone who talk bad about you, im telling you when they will see how bad they talked about you and how much you evolved without their help your confidence will over surpass them.

    Watch funny movies, work hard, play games that you enjoy go to the gym and don’t look down because keeping your head up will make you stronger.

    Well I hope I helped a bit
    use my advice man it worked for so many people

    Anonymous January 22, 2019 5:11 am Reply

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