• 5 years ago

I had no business falling for you. It was never the plan. Like I always thought you were out of my league. So the thought that I could ever be with you was a distant far fetched notion. I was just trying to cheer you up. Because I saw someone in desperate need of a friend. And that night will forever plague my mind. Because it was the beginning of the end for me. If I had known we’d end up where we ended up I’d have never done what I did. I’d have just treated it as another day. I would have just gone home and left it at that. But that’s not what I did. And I can’t change what’s happened. I just wish things would have ended differenly between us. I wish I would have taken better care of you. Because you deserved better. Up until you I had never loved anyone outside of my family. Sure I’ve dated people but you were my first real love. The first girl I felt like saying it to and it not feeling forced. Everything just seemed to align when I was with you. And I’d be remiss to deny that I still feel like we were meant to be together. But I respect that you don’t want anything to do with me. I spiraled after you broke up with me and the way I acted was absolutely unacceptable. The guilt I carry is mine to bare, and I deserve it. I just hope one day you’ll consider talking to me again. Because Id give anything just to see you smile one more time- LS

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