• 5 years ago

So, I need a judgement call. One of my stepbrothers has two kids, a boy and a girl. The stepbrother got divorced when the kids were little, the boy went with mom, the girl went with dad. Due to this and related drama that’s really not central to the story, when both kids ended up living with dad when they were 12-13, they had d*** in common, and the only thing they could agree on was that they couldn’t stand each other. They were up to visit me and my mom and my stepdad(their grandfather) three years ago, we went on a camping trip, and I can say, without reservations, that I have literally had more relaxing tooth extractions. 99% of the camping trip was trying to keep them from murdering each other. So, we were discussing Christmas presents earlier this month, and I suggested a boxing set for the kids. They’re going to be beating the s*** out of one another whatever we do, their dad can’t afford the therapist the whole f****** family needs, why not let them fight in a way that they PROBABLY won’t do any lasting damage and maybe they’ll work out their aggressions and find something they can do together that they enjoy, right? Thoughts?

All Comments

  • No boxing. The gloves actually lend to harder punches and higher likelihood of brain damage.
    Get them both into judo, BJJ (look it up, it’s martial art) or hardcore (like butterfly stroke) swimming lessons so they’re too tired to hurt each other but also know how to fight back to defend themsekves. A combo is good as it helps them develop normally,
    A boxing set is a terrible idea though. Look up β€œpunchy” or YT videos discussing the debate on glove use

    Anonymous November 14, 2018 4:41 am Reply
  • Gym membdrsnip or workout vids

    Anonymous November 14, 2018 4:41 am Reply

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