• 6 years ago

Hey everyone.
I have been feeling so down lately because of my family…
My mom and dad seperated during the time I was going to kindergarten. So I was used to their situation and it didn’t occur as a problem for me.
As a very curious child, I searched my mom’s messages and found out that she was seeing someone. It was okay because I knew my dad was seeing some people too. I found something that really mixed up my feelings. When I told that to my brother he said it’s okay because ”it was his job” I also found out that he had-a second kinda job- ‘modeling’ agency and after that I always tried to ignore stuff because I didn’t know who to tell…
Few years after because of my brother’s exam and my dad having debt about work we moved to somewhere else to live all together. It was okay at first because you know I loved my father and I knew my parents didn’t love each other but I hoped they would respect?
Things didn’t go according to the plan. Now I feel like I am dealing with deppression and I don’t know what to do. They always make fun of me( my own family) thinking it’s a joke but it hurts so much. ANY SUGGESTİONS?
There are things that I didn’ tell but I think I will write down later too so I am going to give a nickname if you want to listen to my story that I never told anyone to.

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