• 6 years ago

I’ve spent my 20s making a lot of improvements in my life. I’m no longer an impulsive troublemaker who’s always in trouble. I go out of my way to go with the flow and not start conflicts. I graduated from college with decent grades, got white collar job, and am living independent of my parents with no debt. But I have ADHD and some comorbid disorders. Making friends has always been hard and after an incident back in high school where I burned a bunch of bridges I haven’t had close friends. Along with the ADHD is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, meaning I’m deadly afraid of being rejected. This has lead me to become pretty withdrawn, and prevented me from doing a lot of what I want to do. I got set off pretty bad a couple of days ago and had some suicidal ideation. I sometimes feel like if I can’t find someone to love me by the time I’m 40 maybe I should just end it. Making it look like an accident so no one has to know I failed. I’ll see obituaries sometimes of guys who never ended up marrying or having families and I don’t want to end up like that. I’m kind of back to being over it but it knocked me down flat for a couple of days.

All Comments

  • i can’t really help you, i’m just a stranger on the internet with a normal life. what i can do is say to you: you can always go to a psychologist or therapist. i’m sure they can help you.

    also: do you have medicines for your ADHD? if you don’t maybe you should consider this

    Anonymous July 23, 2018 7:00 pm Reply

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