• 6 years ago

I’m not even in pain I’m just f****** angry.

I had a great social life with a group of 7 friends and decided to be nice one day and let someone into my friend group who was desperate for friends, regardless of all my other friends voting not to. I now, months later, learn that this person I’ve showed kindness to has been backstabbing and taking s*** and hating on me every chance he gets because he apparently ‘hates me’ and fails to give any reasoning why. He on the other hand likes to s*** up and gain all my other friends who never liked or wanted him in the first place.

I fail to see why I’m being hated after giving him every friend he has and doing nothing but forcibly being kind to him as he hates me for his own selfish and personal reasons.

I now want him out of my friend group. I know it’s ‘mean’ but honestly, I wanted to do him a favour but all I’m getting out of it is drama and someone to make me feel like s*** for doing nothing.

All Comments

  • make sure he regrets being “friends” with you. i have the same experience. she and my group of “friends” ruined my life. called me a bitch in front of the class just because i admitted i wasnt interested in kpop. fucking kpop!? backstabbed me plenty of times. cut my bag and shit. spread rumors. stole my money. ate my fucking food while i had no pocket money. and many more. i had to resort to speaking with the principal and guidance counselor (fyi she painted me to be the bad guy) now im broken. unrepairable. barely living. just like fucking bella swan except with a more valid reason other than vampire shit.

    i wish you good luck. cut him off before he manipulates every single person around you.

    Anonymous July 23, 2018 12:45 pm Reply
  • What a dick. Cutting him outs not mean, he’s a sociopath dude. Obvious. He’ll ruin you. It’s jelousy, he admires you so much he wants you life.

    Anonymous July 23, 2018 1:52 pm Reply
  • Do what you gotta do. I knew someone who was nice to my face but talked shit behind my back. Got her kicked out of school. Those kinds of people don’t deserve friends.

    Anonymous July 23, 2018 8:19 pm Reply

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