• 6 years ago

I can’t wait for my father to die. And secretly, both of my sisters feel the same.

He can’t take responsibility for anything. He has a toxic attitude all the time. He’ll tell you one thing one day, then the next say he didn’t and that it was your fault for being stupid or not being a mind-reader. He s**** as a grandfather. He endlessly finds the negative side to everything and everyone. He’s bragged about cheating on his girlfriend more than once with her none the wiser, and even bragged about f****** he and immediately watching p*** after she leaves (Seriously? Why would volunteer that information?) Any amount of extended time spent around him puts us into a depressed mood, and when living with him all 3 of us suffered chronic depression and low self esteem that abated once we were free of his influence.

I’m supposed to love the man because he’s my father, and he did provide for us well, but honestly, I can’t. He’s that bad. So bad in fact, that my mother, who didn’t have custody of us, was a total flake, sucked with money, and was socially awkward is higher on the ladder than him. Maybe because even in spite of her issues, she was their for us emotionally, and always supported us unconditionally, and treated everyone with respect? Don’t ask that of him.

When he dies, I’m holding the cheapest wake and funeral I can according to minimum social standards. And with all the money I save, I’m throwing a party. It will be a private affair, with no stated reason, but all those invited will already know the reason. The most toxic man in our lives will be gone. In selling all his s***, selling the house, and getting his life insurance, he will be remembered not for his contributions in life, but rather his ones in death.

Also, I’m changing my last name once he dies. My sisters all have girls, and I don’t want my son to have it. His legacy dies with him.

Good f****** riddance.

All Comments

  • I feel you. My dad is horrible, and me, my mom, my girlfriend, and my brother all hate him. He’s emotionally abusive, narcissistic, and thinks all the money belongs to him….he’s been taking my monthly $300 social security checks my whole life…I just wish he’d die already.

    Anonymous May 15, 2018 5:30 am Reply
    • It gets better. Remember, and take joy, in the fact that one day he will be feeding the worms, and everyone’s life will be better for it.

      Anonymous May 15, 2018 5:33 am Reply
      • Thank you <3

        Anonymous May 15, 2018 5:56 am Reply

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