• 6 years ago

Stuff that happened in my life. A little bit about me I’m a teenager, a girl, and I’m Asian. Beginning of sophomore year was pretty good, until my uncle found out about my math scores. He recently got laid off from work and was very depressed, and I guess he decided that I should be exactly like him. He tried tutoring me but that didn’t go well. he told my grandma, other uncle, my aunt. And made such a big deal about it to my mom and my mom called my dad (which is VERY rare because they’ve been divorce since I was 3) just to tell him I failed a test. He decided to cut the Internet, which is extremely stupid because a lot of school work I do is online. I had a really bad time. Suddenly he tells me that we have to move to my grandma’s house since he wouldn’t be able to afford paying bills. I lived in the Midwest. My grandma lives in the south. It happened so sudden and our house was sold in a week as soon as it was for sale. I now live in the south., new school, new people. This school was extremely different from my old schools. The standards are VERY low, and students complain over every little thing. Since I’m Asian and “smart” people would cheat off me. Taking my finished work from the tray and copying it in secret. I didn’t realize it until I kept seeing the same person kept coming up behind me when I turn in an assignment. Then they get into their little groups and copy off me. I have no friends here, nobody wants to talk to me because im too “quiet” and I sit alone during lunch. During this time, my mom is becoming crazy. She kept hearing voices in her head telling her bad things, and she keeps sending/writing letters to the unemployment and elsewhere asking for unemployment benefits. She cries and scream I spend my time trying to calm her down. I knew my mom was “different” from everyone else, but boy it really got bad. I’m not… very good at consoling my mom as I’m not that close to her, I love her but it feels awkward. Back to school people enjoy picking on me, pushing me around, being called Chinese and chink (even though I’m not Chinese). One teacher chose me to answer a question on “what is this landmark?”. Answer is the Great Wall of China. When I’m say I’m not from this state, people ask if I’m from China. I was one slapped in the head by a guy I didn’t know. I was pushed out the way by a guy I didn’t know. Right now, I had a 25 sentence essay (worth 2 major grade – 70% of my grade) to write in 2 class periods (on 30 minutes each). I only wrote 5 sentences and turned it in. Throughout all this I cried until I couldn’t breathe, I was angry and yelled, and i even I inflicted pain onto myself. Right now I’m feel tired and wish I could sleep forever.

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  • Hey I know you don’t know me, but I just want you to know that I’m here for you. I know I may not understand what you’re going through at the moment but never give up!!

    Anonymous January 15, 2018 12:27 pm Reply

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