• 7 years ago

my first smooching experience was with my chemistry teacher. we were together for a year before we moved onto physical contacts. on that day, we decided to meet together and go to a lovers park. we went there holding hands. before that we went to have coffee. we shared the same cold coffee with different straws. while doing that we were holding hands. then we went to the park. while going there, i pulled her closer to me and kissed her forehead. then we went to sit, but my excitement was so high that i asked her to first go some place hidden and hug. so we went behind the bushes, and she was hesitant, but i pulled her towards me and we hugged for a long time. each time she pulled back, i pulled her closer. then i was kissing her shoulders, from where i went down onto here cleavage, but then she pushed back and let go. then in moments we were together again, and this time, i was kissing her cheeks. from the cheeks, i went straight onto her lips. during the transition, i constantly said her i love you. she was giggling. then happened my first smooch, too good. but i had to keep pulling in air. it was choking. we did some tongue stuff and then again she pulled back. soon, i pulled her again and we kissed second time. this one was longer than the previous one. then she pulled back again.

a few days ago, we were talking of having s**, but she denied, saying that she would engage in s** only when i move in with her, which was not possible for me back then. she was neither ready for s**, as she constantly insisted that she would not be able to satiate my urge when it started, but i still continued with that relationship for a long time. we have broken up now but i feel that i could have her back. i will never have her back because i dont give a f*** to her anymore. she was a w****, she is a w**** and she will always be a w****. she was a wife and had two kids, inspite of which she was engaging in those stuff with me. such a b****. i am glad that i have broken up with her. i have moved on from her. i will soon get a new girlfriend who will satiate my urge for s***** desires. i will soon bang!!!!! but till then the memory of that day is enough for me to m*********!!! hhahahaahah

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