• 7 years ago

I want to end my own life I have depression and there is only one person that loves me at least im pretty sure she does. My girlfriend Mariam she treats me like nobody else has it is just inexplicable but its summer and i barely see her and it gives my doubts about her love even though in my subconscious i know she really does love me and everyone else just assumes im happy as ever but more than half the time im thinking of how much the world despises me I told my sister and she tells me that she truly does love me but I know she doesnt give a s***. My will to live shrivels down a little bit everyday and i know that one day it is going to kill me and f****** hate it. Im not emo or anything and on the outside im a happy person who doesnt care what people say about him and is always happy but its not f****** right im not i just want to kill myself to free my soul from the torture everyday my life is fucked and it will never be recovered I love you Mariam.

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