I hate my body, my legs,

  • 12 years ago

I hate my body, my legs, my thighs, my b****, my stomach, my hips, my b***, my hands, my arms, my eyes, my nose, my lips. I hate myself. I feel so ugly and fat. I try to eat little amounts of food. I am getting addicted to exercising, but most of all I am addicted to seeing the number on the scale go down. I have purged once before, and I am so tempted to do it again every time I eat a meal. I used to self harm in the summer of 2011 by burning myself, but in march I started cutting. I’ve been on and off with cutting and snapping myself with elastics. I have told everyone I stopped, and the last time I did it was in march, but I still do and I want to everyday. I keep getting led on by this guy. He is apathetic and pretty heartless but I think I like him, I don’t know why..ugh..

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  • Learn to love yourself. I know you’ve probably heard that many times before to the extent where it has no meaning whatsoever, and that’s true, for most people, it has no meaning.

    But if you can really grasp it, if you can really understand what “love yourself” means, if you can really connect with yourself and just shut yourself away from the rest of the world for just a few minutes, you’ll be ashamed of the things you said of yourself in this post and you’ll be ashamed to know what potential and beauty you have hidden inside you.

    If only you are willing to let all that show by loving yourself, and not by hating yourself and cutting yourself everyday.

    But alas, most people don’t take such things seriously. Too many things to do, too many opinions to care about, too many things to buy that supposedly make you look beautiful… Too much fake beauty to hide behind… While in the meantime the true beauty is locked away inside, never to surface because the person just never realized it.


    Anonymous June 10, 2012 3:52 pm Reply

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