• 6 years ago

I’m in middle school, and everybody is fairly mature in my grade (I’m in 8th grade) the popular kids look like they are still stuck in elementary school tho.
1. some guy in my art class is lazy as f***, even the teacher called him out and said “she was only talking to the kids who gave a s***” during a lecture
2. pretty sure this one girl is pregnant, she also gets mad for the smallest reasons.
3. this new kid, uggg, hate him, he’s stuck in his “3rd grade bully” year and can’t let go cause’ he thinks he’s tough s*** lmao. seriously, he told this one kid during lunch in the lunch line he was “gonna stick the baked beans in her shoe” that’s f****** disgusting why would you stick baked beans in someone’s shoe? Nasty-a** guy.
4. kids in the back of my bus, i’ll try my best: snack addicted, non-respectful, annoying, b****-a** little shits, one kid cussed out the bus driver on the 1st day of school and got written up. congrats for the most idiotic first day of school spent award!

who are these kid’s parents!?

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