• 7 years ago

I have a lot of things I could confess about. For instance I cut or the fact that I’m an on and off bulimic, yet neither of these bother me personally. In fact, not physically, but mentally, they help me. No, the thing that scares me the most and the thing I feel the most need to confess to, an irrational fear that stems from absolutely nothing, is the sound of labored, heavy, or fast breathing. Just listening to these makes my heart race. I don’t have misophonia, the sounds don’t anger me but it scare me to the point of tears. I have had full blown anxiety attacks because of the sound of breathing in a horror movie or song. (btw I’m not prone to anxiety attacks. I have anxiety but it’s just generalized anxiety. Though I cut and such that’s not because of anxiety that’s because of my major depression and ocd. Surprisingly ocd is the second most severe thing because it causing repeating thoughts so I keep thinking about the same terrible thing for hours on end.) I don’t really know why the sound scares me so much but whenever I have nightmares there is almost always someone or something breathing really heavily.

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