• 6 years ago

I can’t talk about this with any of my friends or they would rip on me but… I met some kid when I was in the 7th grade we became reallyyy good friends, hung out a lot, texted each other all the time. A lot of his friends and my friends would say s*** like we should just date already or something, I never really liked him that way at all, and on top of that I never really thought of dating because of how ugly I am? Lmaoo, I went through a phase and cut my hair and s***, I regret it but anyway, in 8th grade we werent as close at all and all contact was cut off basically. Then now in 9th grade (yes lmao i know) he’s in my hoomroom and Spanish class but thats it. We talk a bit more but it really seems he doesnt wanna be that close again. My best friend was in a lot of his classes and then starts to develop a crush on him but gets over it, I did get jealous though because I should be in most of his classes. For valentines day i got all my friends candy and s***. I got him a gift too. I wrote a card saying i miss being close and s*** and he said he appreciates it. But obviously still doesn’t wanna put effort into being friends again. And now i have a crush on him. I can’t stop thinking about why i only get crushes on guys that obviously dont like me that way at all. Most romantic contact i had with a boy was some kid who moved into my school and was in my bio class we did labs together and he lowkey flirted with me untill he f****** moved away to a new town again. I never confessed to my friends about any of this but I feel like no one is gonna ever wamna be with me. I know im still young and s*** but im not confident with myself at all and i feel like everyone is dating someone but me. But what am i gonna do about it?¯_(ツ)_/¯

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