I know it sounds like something out of a book, but I feel like I’m not from this world. I never have. I know its silly, and unrealistic, but I think theres a sister world out there that I fell from. I never felt that my parents are my real parents, the world feels unfamiliar even though I’ve been here all my life, and i never feel at home, anywhere I go. I can even remember glimpses of some other place – some world far away that is my home. Those mountains, a couple whispered words. The arrangement of stars. I hope someday I can find a portal home. I feel deep down, I was meant to be a hero. My world is in danger, I can feel it. I have to go back there, I have to save it from its pain. This world is beautiful, but its not mine. I want to go home. I want to go home. I want to go home. More than anything else. I would give anything. I would kill a puppy if it meant opening a door to my world. please, Alaeria, wait for me. Your hero will come.

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