• 7 years ago

i’ve been with my girlfriend for three years I love her so very much I want to marry her one day but lately I’ve been thinking so much about my ex and other ex flings, I pass by my first loves house often for work and our love was so strong and so sudden so passionate deep and meaningful. We went through a very serious tragedy almost instantly in our relationship. I truly believe that if that never happened we would still be together today. I love the girl that I’m with more than I’ve loved anyone but I can’t help but wonder what it would be like with my first love . She was the first person to make me feel like I was worth something, like I mattered, like I could do anything. My girlfriend now does the same thing. My ex holds a special place in my heart forever, I wish I could talk to her one more time but I feel guilty doing that. I’m more than happy with the relationship that I’m in but I never got closure and I are not from time to time. I’ve been through so much pain in my life but the one thing that eats me alive is the closure I never got.

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