• 2 weeks ago

“Appears they did not want to use the option of Class Action.

even if that was the case? IT IS the case. Many articles online about these meters all across the country. A common objection Across the nation is to paying an opt-out fee. People do not want to pay for a service they do not want regardless of how the electric company tries to justify the extra charges.

In a complaint, the couple alleged that they have developed negative health effects since the new meter was installed “sometime in late 2023 or early 2024.” GEE THAT sound like one of the points the OP made. OP said: These meters put out a ‘dirty’ form of electricity wave which negatively impacts human health and mental wellness. YET YOU say that : Also none of the points you referenced are mentioned in their lawsuit.

Maybe YOU should check out the article first before replying! You simply like to argue.”

You realize wireless phones and Cell Phones put out more RF radiation than those electric meters right? Heck the wifi card on your computer does as well. THIS IS ALL ADDRESSED IN THE ARTICLE AS WELL.

It’s just grasping at straws thinking this is their way of getting rich lmao. You and them both need to put the tinfoil hats down.

Also RF Radiation isn’t the same as nuclear radiation. It’s not like it’s going to make a geiger counter go off the deep end.

So naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah it’s a bunch of BS that it is affecting their health. Just like a Bunch of BS you riding their D lmao

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