• 2 years ago

f*** off jesse drop dead scum no one wants to know you shitbag. i aint interested in any of you. f*** off, stop bothering me you user , go find a new kill victim why dont you . stop getting men to abuse me and stalk me and fake narratives. when your the only worthless c** creater on your way to mars and with a useless bagage of dickload that looks like a spaz alien. get lost with your witchery. you are done. dun n dusted pal! clearly I am not a c** dumpster when I am not even getting any s** and if you are going to speak to me that way I won’t come on here at all. what men need to understand is women with class just won’t tolerate your low life scum scam games and foolery. women of a certain status just will not put up with your type of man and any mans abuse. and I am one woman who will not tolerate any insubordination of any kind from a man or anyone for that matter. I will not tolerate the company of fool harty idiots who look at life out of a pale man c** drum roll. that is all any of you are. not tolerating it from william or colby or rick or ricky or nick or any one. any b****** or man around ever . I don’t have to and its about time you learnt it real fast and I will not put up with ken around me ever again. he should be jail with joyce. in jail. murder and hanging could be too kind. I am not putting up with any dogs or women who act stupid or any mental case men and that is just it. I said that over 15 years ago. not going to tolerate it. take it to someone who can appreciate it cuz I can’t. and won’t .

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