• 2 years ago

I like to drink and I probably like it too much. I just get tired of thinking and feeling without it as a crutch. I have a lot going on in my life, man, as I’m sure we all do. I just struggle with managing my emotions, dealing with pain. There’s a possible impending divorce, general relationship issues, sick parents, money problems, job problems and a nagging f****** depression. Constant fatigue and constant s***** frustration. I just like to drink and watching behavioral analytics on YouTube. I like music. I like zoning out. I think if I were fucked just a tad more often then I might be doing better but that seems like a ridiculous thought. Or maybe it’s not so ridiculous, from a scientific standpoint. But I don’t know. I think I’m an attractive woman. If I were a guy, I’d throw myself at myself all the time. Perhaps I just have a psychotically high libido. It’s actually f****** annoying as f***. I don’t know how this became about s** but whatever.

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