• 2 years ago

I find humor in the fact that only when I am trying to get over you and let go of the reality of your extremely experienced royal blonde hotness and the impossiblity of the bisexual bicoastal distance between us that you contact me. Why now? Is it some kind of trick? Uncertain about how I am feeling about you reaching out since you have practically ignored me since we met a month and a half ago. Maybe I should I just run away. You are so deliciously tempting and I am resisting the urge to respond because I am incredibly attracted to you. I would be lying about wanting to ‘just be friends’ if that is all you wanted. Hiding my secret desire to shag you would not work for me because I cherish you too much to lie to you. Going to sleep on it and hoping you don’t invade my dreams, unless you are naked because that would be okay..lol… 😉 -I don’t want to like you but I do. Viva la Resistance! – Mariposa

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