• 4 years ago

I want to be a pure and lovely knight. I want to erase every single flaw of mine and I want to live a happy and peaceful life. I want to keep my soul as noble and innocent as possible and I want to destroy every single useless worry that comes into my mind. I want to live in a cute little house in France and I’ll have a beautiful garden with roses and I’ll just sit here staring at the nightingales dancing in the sky. I’ll travel in Poland, Russia and Austria and any other country I want to visit. I’ll have a cat or a rabbit too. I’ll invite my friends and family in my garden and we’ll all be drinking tea (Earl gray sounds great). And in the evening, when everybody is gone, I’ll draw the twilight and dream about everything.

I consider myself happy but a little too worried, all I have to do is to ignore everything that makes me upset or that disappoints me. Being alive is wonderful and life is such a great adventure.

J’ai vraiment faim, il est 3 heures du matin… J’ai envie d’aller à la campagne aussi, et dans les montagnes, j’ai envie d’être marin, j’ai envie d’être pâtissière, j’ai envie d’être tout et n’importe quoi à la fois. J’ai envie d’être éternelle pour pouvoir profiter de chaque aspect de la vie. J’ai envie de faire un tour de France, et aussi un tour d’Italie.

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