• 1 year ago

writing this on this f*** a** website because i need to put it somewhere that’s not on paper. shout out to those who struggle with extremely depressive thoughts because ur not alone even if your brain tricks you into thinking you are. i feel the need to hurt myself so f****** randomly but it’s SO intense it makes me question whether or not i can keep living like this. this ache drags me down into thinking things i would never even consider towards myself. ironically, it is somehow so dehumanizing. the bad passes and then the good right? why is it so f****** hard every time. it’s just this huge a** reminder saying ‘hey!! all your progress? yeah f*** that n f*** you too! ‘ this s*** is SO isolating and i can feel my f****** heart begging for a break. for anything else besides this f****** thing that makes me want to rip my skin off

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