• 1 year ago

my brother has epilepsy i saw his seizure the first time it ever happened i felt completely powerless after that he went into a coma every day i couldn’t sleep thinking of the chance he died im his sleep he’s okay now and has been for months, but now every illness i have is pushed under the rug. i can never just b sick anymore, i dont feel the same compassion i used to from my mum nothing can be worse than what happened to my brother so im counted as not that sick. even the doctors bring him up every issue is from the stress of seeing the seizure. i feel so bad about it but it makes me so jealous every time his slightest sign of sickness is taken seriously yet im just seen as being dramatic. i have to make myself sicker or to look more ill for me to be taken to the doctors and even then half the appointments made are missed because my brother has an absence. i hate feeling like this i don’t want to see my own little brother and get mad that hes got a condition but i cant help it. every day i feel sicker and lose more weight and its ignored. i just want people to be concerned that im ill again. people forget that that both of us are kids an i didn’t suddenly grow up.

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