• 1 year ago

The real reason why I ruined my ex boyfriends life.

I was bitter, I left you because we were not blending and I couldn’t do it anymore. I did find someone else. It’s because I couldn’t do it in my own but I needed a way out because I was f****** struggling.

When I found out you passed school and were about to buy a house, I snapped, I didn’t want you to move on! I always thought we would get back together over day, for our child. I just wanted you to get a place n get out of for moms house. Not to go be this huge success. Whole I’m left at the bottom.

I’m sorry I took it child from you, I’m sorry I put you in jail, I’m sorry I made you lose your house you were going to buy.

But I just cannot let another b**** have you or be around my child. It sounds fucked up but it’s true. We have a child, I own you until she an adult. Even if it means screwing up your future so I can give her a better one.

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