• 2 years ago

I want to become a dancer, however I have a leg disorder that fucks up literally everything. I can’t even point my f****** toes, it is so embarrassing. The type of dance i’d like to focus on is hiphop. All day I look at dancing videos wishing why the f*** i’m not normal and can’t move like them. My dad isn’t supportive of this at all and has told me that i’ll never get there due to my disorder. Have I also mentioned how f****** stupid I am… i’m literally in a behind math class and still have zero clue wtf i’m doing every day. Knowing these two factors, ill probably never achive my dream no matter now hard i work, i’ve realized that however, I can’t stop thinking about what my life would be like preforming on stage as a bg dancer for an singer or group. Dreams are dreams for a reason ig. I look up to this one dancer who I won’t say his name but he literally moves so freely and i love the way he just moves so effortlessly g******* i wish i was like that. I can’t stop comparing myself to others wtf is wrong with me.

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