• 3 years ago

You whites are finished. We’ve taken nearly everything already. Everything you said you’d never give up, you ppl gave up without a fight. Destroying your livelihoods for simply saying the n-word is just entertainment atp. You seriously think you’re the one hurting anyone with a word? Or some stereotypes? When I can get you fired, expelled, beat up or publicly outcasted just for calling me a n*****? Lol. White guilt is our super power. All I have to do if appear hurt & my white friends will completely destroy you! Now that we’ve taken your spot in college simply bc we’re black, your job simply bc we’re black, your freedom of speech, we want the guns. And when we finally take your guns, & renamed America to “Africa 2 Electric Boogaloo” we’re going to enslave all of you Karens who complained bc aas much as we say “Nooooo, we wouldn’t do to you what you did to us,” just know that’s a bunch of b******* lol. But so far, most whites believe us. Lolol. You fuckers are finished bc whites have extreme weird s** fetishes & would probably welcome being slaves anyways. Hahahahahaa!!

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